BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

/break whisper

no we need YBW’s ability still

Knowing magnus they will find a loophole that wins evil the game instantly


I really should be going to sleep

Magnus isn’t lockscum, c’mon. It’s Magnus.

Ybw never guessed as evil

The vibes though

if Magnus isn’t scum
don’t do the things they’re doing maybe

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Magnus tried to soft to me as though they knew demon was Hannibal in a whisper with me and I didn’t respond but noted it down

Magnus has been trying to get me to admit that I’m the Demon in whispers the entire game. They have only just given up

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i wanna have my ability :pleading_face:

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We all know ur Hannibal may

Sure but they claimed that it was just me who was the Demon

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my cat looks adorable rn


can i see

Magnus came to me and said “I know you’re a minion and May is the demon so why did you claim the same thing” and I went “huh?” and they went “you’re a minion” and I went “huh?” and then I whispered May and they were like “huh?” and I’m like “I KNOW RIGHT…” anyway I think May is Hannibal and Magnus got lied to because a minion thought they were the good traveller

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They gave me bluff recommendations at the start of the game

Wait don’t minions know both Hannibal’s