BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

But I just finished alphabetising my list of 90 mafia roles so as you can understand I’m very excited

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I gotta figure out which Splatoon weapon makes the best inventor

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I thought we were doing the one-word thing again. My day’s fine, thanks for asking.

Only ninety?

I was correcting “how was your day” to “how is your day”, because it is still your day.

There are about 90 Splatoon weapons. One for each.

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I like owning the day cycle.

You really OWNED me when you guessed I was the Temptress in 5 minutes!!!

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I am not the Temptress

Who would you have seduced if you were?
(That’s the reminder token name.)

Hmm. Hard call. Off the top of my head… baker and Nightingale? Couldn’t tell you why. I’d probably overthink it some more before actually submitting.

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Who would you have seduced if you were capable of randing the role?

Who would I want on my team?
I’m feeling like I’d pick Jarek / Kiiruma because they’re both more familiar with BOTC than I am, and they’re fun on top of that.


Blood on the Clocktower wizards. I’m content with my learned helplessness. It probably would have been smart to try to convince you I’m the Demon or something in hopes of information, wouldn’t it. Ah, well. I was going to say “honesty is the best policy”, but I think they kill you with hammers for saying that in BotC. Strictly false 99% of the time.

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You should have done that, yeah.

I tried a little bit at first. When you were just accusing me of being generically evil. It’s why I was so… nonresponsive. Once you started pushing that I was the Demon specifically, though, I knew you couldn’t actually believe what you were saying. Why you actually said it? No damn clue. Could be good, could be an imitation of good Magnus. Doesn’t matter all that much, I can’t exile you on your own anyway. Mercenaries are like that.

You felt nonresponsive before I accused you of anything, which is why I pressed it.

Like you were stalling…

I panicked because I hadn’t figured out whether I should claim yet.

And because of whatever was going on with my health that night, that was a factor. Wasn’t quite at full mental capacity. Even the rather diminished full capacity I can reach nowadays.

I was glad to hear you’re feeling better now.

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