BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

fun fact
“execute” is a synonym of “do”

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should I just claim my actual role or should I claim multiple roles in this case?

I think you should do that only when people are deciding to lynch you. (Only 1 person can be executed daily IIRC)

However you can still whisper to people around and tell them your claim

I don’t trust the people around me

From what I saw yesterday I liked a few players on the far end

Usually people need to be more secretive with their roles so they can buy time especially if they are a role that could benefit of having more time without getting sabotaged.

got 3h of sleep last night and shaky and nauseous so might not be here most of today

I see I see, that’s also a valid concern.

Though you still have to tell somebody your role.

I usually do it like this: 2f2:

“Okay fellow person I am either Mortician/Actor”

Or 3f3:

“Okay fellow person I am either Trumpeter/Gladiator/Physician”

I am also sad I received no whispers i don’t know why nobody wanted to whisper with me

Essentially, claim your role in there and then fill the gaps with bluffs.

No no no. Don’t worry!

You can go around and ask people for whispers, it’s not that they don’t like you!!!

It didn’t feel like you were around much, sorry.

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probably because you werent here an dppl wanna whisper ppl who are here

ok I had the right idea then. that’s what I noticed from youtube vods

specifically becrause the person needs to accept the whisper in order for it to be created

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Are whispers closed, everyone?


but I specifically pinged the hosts to accept all whispers to me because i was going to be missing most of the day

Though you will see that people in this game claimed their claim/bluff straight out of the gates. :joy_cat:

That can help deduce but it can also help evil.

anyway lemme read a bit.

do you guys have any suggestions to what should I be doing lol

Most nicely. Evils need to be confused too, so they can’t do the right moves and sabotage townsfolks.