BoTF XIX: Fall of Rome 4 + 4 Travelers Night Six Thread Closed

I see it. I’m half asleep

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I swear to god I was staring at that for two minutes straight and failed to see the very obvious next step forward and as soon as I post it I’m like Oh yeah the sevens.


That’s relatable.


Good morning gamers.

@Playwright @Hazardwaste @CRichardFortressLies

I’d like to vote

/exe crazynuto , marluna , baker

I know in most games you don’t want to not execute, but this isn’t like most games. I don’t mind being executed if need be though.

May I ask why on earth you are trying to get yourself executed

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Eh why not? I’m not really trying one way or the other, as I’m last in the voting lineup I believe

You are voting to execute your self

It’s all part of the plan my friend


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Vote Count before I’m off to the Land of Nod.

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i did not selfvote @CRichardFortressLies @Hazardwaste

You are not being turned French


Execute baker

We aren’t not executing anyone today


Adding that to the spread sheet.

what type of logic is this