BOTF XIX: Fall of Rome Thread 2 GAME OVER

On N3 I was shown a Legionary 3 before it was corrected to Sculptor on Kiiruma.

I planned to post a wallpost at the next day the moment I got into it talking about how excited I was to finally play a botf game without being a traveller lol

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What the fuck there wasn’t a legionary though
is that why you thought I was evil

Will I ever get to play as a good traveller in any botc game? :pensive:

Which abilities did YBW gain?

You place the Laurel Wreath on top of your head and stand in front of your applauding fans. you look upon them with great pride and accomplishment. you will make it all worth it for them, you will win for the people.

The flavor was super awesome

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@baker I will give all my brownie points and applauds to tho.

First botc game me and rich threw her in deep and she got to a final 5 which is a feat


Anyway, good night now. Honestly glad this is over. :sleepingleafeon:


@Litten just to check something

you knew I was 100% evil right

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I didn’t base any decisions off that information.

why didn’t you accept my whisper :sob:

if you accepted it for a second I was gonna send you a message saying “I literally know you’re evil, the team is baker, night, catbae and you, we’re almost definitely fucked” quickly and then end it

Glycon - did not use
Crassus - Killed litten
VV - got given Blacksmith/Crassus was hoping she change it to hide the crassus bluff
Crassus - was going to kill kiiruma

You felt evil but some of your actions felt pro town such as exiling travelers or not trying to fuck up informatiok by giving false that I just shrugged and ignored

You gave YBW the Crassus ability and not me. Smh.

I was trying to convince you I was evil in a way that you’d pretend to think I’m good so that I could accuse baker freely and make you think they’re good lol

it was my last ditch attempt


I just don’t know why she didn’t

Kiiruma noming Leafia is the highlight of my FOL experience btw


Leafia rolling the augur was the best luck i could ask for

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That doesn’t work with me
I saw night and thought baker was still the demon even though night was trying to play it off as though she was demon before the mod error