BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

Does that work?
Unless I was just Cerenovus’d and I’m using Pit Hag as my excuse.

You’re supposed to convince people you’re the role your mad as, so any way to do that is viable. claiming you were PH’d into the role you’re mad as works, claiming you were “bluffing the entire time and I’m actually [role I’m mad as] works”

no that’s what I’m saying

unless you’re evil you were either pit hagged or cerenovus’d last night

whichever it was jarek is the other one

All cerenovus wants you to do is convince people you’re the role they made you mad as as best you can including giving bullshit information and probably pushing “double claims” depends on the ST’s of course

Promise I was Pit Hagged, not Cerenovus’d.
There you go, case closed.

well, you’d say that even if you were cere’d cuz madness

but either way
magnus should know with a high degree certainty which it is

even if you’re evil you’d know so :upside_down_face:

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so in no dashii worlds i’m clearing the two nightkills

if the demon is not prisma it means my check was correct and therefore 1 of eliza/prisma is mafia (or magnus demon with minion prisma but that doesn’t change the logic at all)

if magnus is demon it means the team is either magnus prisma +1 (maybe jarek?) or magnus eliza marluna and ybw + prisma just malfunctioned

if prisma is demon then ybw’s n1 should be wrong without a reason since no one should have malfunctioned that night, which would implicate either eliza or marluna as the third, which doesn’t work because crich would also have to be mafia, so prisma is clear from being demon in this world

then if we have ybw demon magnus marluna are both malfunctioning but prisma/eliza results are good if legit, if prisma is the legit one then one of magnus/marluna is mafia (again if magnus is minion and prisma is malfunctioning the logic still holds up), if it’s eliza then crich jarek are both clear which means its ybw and two of prisma/magnus/marluna (again ybw marluna prisma is possible with poisoned eliza but falls into this)

i’m tired gonna take a break before i finish this post out

idk how to feel about jarek’s claim in this world it doesnt really hold up but i don’t think there’s space for him to be evil

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working backwards

if we start with jarek minion in no dashii worlds

we have jarek then 1 of prisma/eliza, jarek is confirmed minion, eliza is either lying or malfunctioning, prisma is never demon because if eliza is lying she’s clear and if she’s malfunctioning then that implicates marluna demon

so if it’s jarek/prisma/+1 the +1 has to be marluna i believe? it lines up with both crich and magnus info and eliza and ybw would be malfunctioning

if it’s jarek/eliza/+1 with eliza minion then the third has to be either marluna or ybw because of marluna’s check, both options line up with crich/magus info, if marluna is demon ybw would be malfunctioning and vice versa

if it’s jarek/eliza/+1 with eliza demon then marluna is malfunctioning

uhhhh 1 sec @Host_Account_2 can you fix the d1 votecount? ybw is listed twice and eliza isn’t listed at all

ok eliza was the one not voting

so if it’s eliza minion then the demon would have to be marluna

Have you addressed the YBW (No Dashii) / Marluna (Pit Hag) / Jarek (Cerenovus) theory? I might’ve missed it.

if that’s the case i would have gotten a 3 instead of a 2

me juggler prisma clockmaker eliza oracle

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I definitely didn’t account for your information, that’s my bad.

i’m literally ghosting studying for finals to do this

get me out of here


anyway in jarek/eliza worlds where eliza is the demon ybw’s info has to be legit while prisma/crich/magnus all line up regardless

ybw having legit info indicates that marluna was the one malfunctioning night 1 but i have no idea what happened n2

unless marluna is the 3rd and ybw was also malfunctioning ig that makes things easy

Just gonna point out mechanically squirrel cannot be the Mutant because a fang gu would have jumped into them instead of just killing them

so like

if jarek is evil the team has to be eliza marluna

but either could be demon?

as far as i can tell at least

or it could be jarek eliza ybw and marluna just got true info while malfunctioning

this only works if there is a fang gu

I am confirming there’s a fang gu given my role

i am ignoring your confirmation as your alignment is still in question

if your role is true it’s impossible for me to be mutant anyways :wowee: