BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

oh yeah they’re in a thunderdome

You got this.
I have one whisper left for the day.

thunderdome reason:

squirrel claims to be an outsider who died after getting pithagged
but the demon would’ve jumped if it wasnt fang

why did the evil team pit hag and then kill squirrel anyway

Eh I could see it, and YBW is confirmed not evil with me.

jarek has to be bad because
evil!squirrel dropping dead randomly would
be weird

i think thats the only reason that jarek’s lockscum was squirrel dying
unless squirrel was demon who jumped to magnus or somethin

Neither of us are evil if squirrel is cere mad and making someone mad as the mutant is fairly common.


who was pithagged again
squirrel n2
magnus n3

Doesn’t matter if the cere madness target died if they break madness they still get executed even if they’re dead

if squirrel was cere mad why’d they be so quick on accusing you
you saw how you acted d1 when you were mutant

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that’s how cerenovus madness works you have to do your absolute best to convince people that you are the role you claim and if it means adamantly accusing people of lying then it works

At the end of the day we’re both dead. So it’s not like it’s going to eat up an execution if people believe Squirrel.

it sounds
not the best idea to, instead of not showing up or something, to vote you
even when i was cere mad i just refused all whispers cause it was useless
so people doing weird things to avoid directly putting town in the crossfire would be more consistent with someone made cere mad


Evil!Jarek hard spews YBW as good. They aren’t both evil in any world.

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don’t we have clockmaker info unless prisma’s a minion
and judging how nobody’s cared to try and communicate with them they’re not

it could be ybw/magnus but they seem opposing
did they whisper at all

doesn’t seem to be a minion
but i think its possible if they had a decent amount of gameskill

People can play madness however they like. If I get made mad as something I will hardcore lean into it. ST’s will handle it differently and if you were made mad as the snake charmer like you said then you might not have to do as much because a real snake charmer won’t be declaring themselves as a snake charmer D1.

Squirrel could be doing this to play it safe given I am a hard claim of Mutant, they don’t really have a choice but to lean into the madness and push me back or else they won’t be doing a convincing job of “convincing” town they are the real mutant and would fail to adhere to madness

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this sounds more desperate then it does logical
one second

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I have to admit I’m a little insulted given the fact I was trying to explain a game mechanic.