Because I’m telling you exactly how it is
Self sacrificial mechanical insane plays is a me thing to do, not a Jarek thing to do
the evil team needs to either add up to exactly 8 or anything else
depending on whether its true
i also know mist’s juggler true or false
It would not have been good for me at all because the mechanical evidence I have that I was not lying and telling the truth goes away and literally everyone goes “OMG WHY DIDN’T YOU OUT AS MUTANT WHEN WE KILLED YOU???”
Personally, I feel that Jarek is mutant, and even if they’re evil, they’re a minion who can’t use their ability.
am i dumb
Also what stops Jarek from being a pit hag into mutant or pit hagged into it btw, why y’all specifically jumpinf on a Cerenovus play
someone claiming to be pithagged
squirrel yesterday, magnus today
huh okay fairs
what was magnus pithagged into (I just arrived)
No, I meant claiming Mutant far later in the day.
i think im horribly constructing the info i got
Jarek/Squirrel/Magnus evil team, you heard it all first
See y’all for the post game cred
I wasn’t in the mood to spend the entire day being scum-read when I could just not deal with it, either I afk the entire day until I jump out at the end and don’t participate
Or I just say screw it, do it right away and damn the consequences
I don’t think I’ve ever shown myself to be a patient player in these games.
If that’s the case, then we have 2 evils dead already.
Claim Pit Hagged into Klutz, claims and self-votes at SOD after a play to suggest Fang Gu.
Suggests Jarek did a Cerenovus at the start of this day before anyone else.
Yep. Makes sense.