BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

I was wondering when someone would point this out.

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Idk either

Did I possibly somehow get something right?

What would you have gotten right? As far as I’m aware, you haven’t made any reads.

Tell that to the mod. You really think I would pull that out of my ass, completely unprompted?


two openwolfs in one day
can we get three, THREE openwolfs in one day

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Also, like, do you really think I knew that much about this game.

Anyway, pit hag doesn’t explicitly state that the character they turn people into has to be on the script, so do burn the storyteller at the stake for not making that clearer.

Idk how I got my info, all I know is that it definitely says Widow. W-i-d-o-w.

Remind me to put this in best quotes if a 3rd player openwolfs this game.


Well no, seeing as Widow isn’t on the script and you seem to think otherwise.

Crich are u ok with exiling jake bc hes, yknow, evil?

We only need 1 more vote

Yeah if Jake is evil, then Eliza is likely evil too from the barista.

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VOTE: YoubutWorse

Begone, foul beast of the field, for you are not made in the image of the LORD, but instead made in the image of sin.

Youve already nommed someone lmao

Yeah I’ll do it VOTE: JaketheWolfie.

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@Host_Account_2 that should be hammer for exile.

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I was still good btw. May death be upon ye, and may the town be forgotten from all maps.

Using this logic, I am evil because I was barista 1’d last night. I am the FANG GU. The STARTING Fang Gu. Checkmate.

A barista usually helps their alignment, though the storyteller sometimes has the barista help someone on the opposite alignment for balance.