BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

im boreeddd (again)

Is it normal for there to be no crisis on stellaris at year 2436

Like I’m about to end the game and the only thing I ever encountered was the khan who died in 5 minutes???

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trash game


Thats why you play heavily modded

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Excuse me?
Fourteen posts in seven hours? Between ten players? Is nobody paranoid? This doesn’t feel like Demon on the block air.

I’ll also point out that Mist whispered only Eliza and Jarek on the first day.
Mathematician: 1, 2, True 0, 0.

N1: Prisma, Marluna, YBW; three players would’ve acted abnormally, and YBW received a one.
N2: CRichard, Squirrel, Atlas, YBW, Magnus; five players would’ve acted abnormally (since dawn), and YBW received a two.
N3: Nobody could’ve malfunctioned in this world, assuming Eliza’s evil. YBW received true info and nobody alive had abilities still gathering information.
N4: YBW is acting abnormally, and receives another 0. This is still wrong.

Nothing actually disproves the Vortox world; it actually makes a certain degree of sense.
Problem: Wazza and Marluna’s thunderdome. The invitation did go through, both parties confirmed that. Wazza claims she received nothing, Marluna claims she accepted. Marluna isn’t dead.

This could only work if Wazza is an evil traveller testing her luck.

i’m waiting for marluna to show up if she’s going to

if not i’m just going to keep focusing on my finals



magnus what are your thoughts on jake


In a Vortox game, both statements are false. The first being false tracks.
I have no clue how to verify the latter.

First statement verified incorrect.
In a Vortox!Mist game, Eliza is evil and Marluna is good, which logically tracks.

Jake was deleted. What do you mean?

do you think he was evil or not

I can’t really tell, tbh. He didn’t do anything.

i mean im just thinking

one would think you would have more thoughts on him coming in and saying that a role that doesn’t exist is in the game

(i do not have thoughts on it because i do not have thoughts before you ask)

Mist’s Juggler claim has true information.

First of all, would Demon!Mist throw both minions under the bus so early? If so, I hate you for that playstyle.
TMI that I’m fakeclaiming? @YoubutWorse did you let anything slip in your early whisper with Jarek?

He saw he was getting exiled and tried to make a joke. Either that or he was chatting with the storytellers and one of them joked about a Widow. I dunno.

fair enough ig

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