BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

ayn rand haters unite (i have only read Anthem by Ayn Rand bc we had to in an english class and it is by far my least favorite book)

(also from what I understand Ayn Rand is also just not a greatperson)

I did actually read a book for the first time in a while a wekk ago and I’m really proud of myself for it and it was an amazing book


i’m proud of managing to completely derail thread by asking jarek about furry things

i should do this more often


(I have not read Atlas Shrugged, for the record. I just happen to know the book has a 60-page speech.)

What was the book about?

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You just wanted to talk about yourself.

this callout would probably be funnier if it wasn’t accurate

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It is pretty fun

i just got done with my hw (not really I had a question on one of them so I emailed my teacher and didn’t answer it lmao) so my brain wants a break ok and I came to thread for some reason to try and get that break

This is how you lose the time war by Amal El-Mohtar, u can see me talk about it in breadbox if ur in that server


eliza ybw prima
squirrel jarek atlas
magnus crich marluna

top to bottom ig?

feels okay for a start


I’m inactive, but I’m in the breadbox.

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are these different tiers ranked as well? (magnus is slightly townier than crich, who is slightly townier than marluna) or is it just a hodgepodge of people in a general similar place in ur mind

Atlas Shrugged is not a book to be set aside lightly
it is one to be tossed in the garbage can with conviction


nah just hodgepodge

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at least its not a book the author expects to be lit aflame at 451 degrees


funfact, if you read farenheight 451 while it is 451 degrees and approxiamtely an inch away from your face you unlock something secret the author hid in the book


A common human trait.


Every single thing here’s what it seems.
I never want to flee from this… amazing bliss.

reminds me of a song but i forgot which one

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knives are very slippery weapons
given you’re attempting to stab into or slash something that could be moving, or fighting back, could possibly make the knife slip, cutting you or your clothing and getting DNA evidence all over the scene
or so i’ve heard

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I’ll keep that in mind for when I rand psychopath.

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or whenever theres a zombie apocalypse