BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

savant doesn’t act at night though right?

so that’s not possible


why would squirrel being that affect my number

no, night 1

treating gamestart as night 0

i didnt out this yesterday because i couldn’t POST

The entire reason I did what I did is to show everyone it’s a fang gu I’m the outsider +1, I didn’t want anyone calling me a confirmed good because there was a chance I got attacked and thus jumped N1 and I don’t think I can win that

Your ability no longer works as you have died. There is no bone collector for lol!reactivate the mutant ability.

I missed that part.
Here’s the thing: if Jarek’s to be believed, we shouldn’t have a source of madness in this Town. Which means YBW is just a liar.

snake charmer hit demon n0 :wowee:

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If I was cerenovus mad as a role then it would still be applicable while I’m dead.

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I was the Flowergirl. I received a no N2.
I was told the Demon did not vote on the first day.

The thing is. YBW being a liar doesn’t mean they’re confirmed evil, because of Cerenovus on script.

but yes from my perspective this is a jarek ybw thunderdome

the “you juggler”
im savant so its either true or not
which kinda means nothing but its what i was told

Okay well I’m mechanically proven though.

That’s a good point.

we’re missing d2’s cere

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cere was on atlas during d1 and he died n1

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Wanna whisper, Atlas? I trust your claim.

The Squirrel kill is really weird, though.

if you give me everyone elses claim


I mean, the CRichard/Atlas/Squirrel world is fully disproven.