BotF XVI - Calm Before the Storm - Shattered Futures [Starseekers Win]

Does anyone wanna chat with the base 0 outsider

That should have been obvious when I never whispered those 2 D1.

Who voted D1?


Interesting kill, though it makes sense knowing his claim

It’s possible but I don’t see it as likely this early on into the game

What were you PHg into?

FTR, who did u juggle and as what?
Magnus I still TR so I wanna know ur reasoning on that, but I am doubting both Eliza and Marluna mainly bc of my info

Even then it shouldn’t give a 1 bc Savant activates that day, it wouldn’t malfunction during the night

wdym? Didn’t atlas also claim cerenovused?

why didnt u mention this at all d1? bc I don’t remember u saying this once

Wazza asked me last night and I gave her my role

Since magnus outed me, yes I am the mathemetician

N1, I got a 1. I don’t know where that number came from bc Jarek was lying. It’s possible that someone was a no-dashii and messed with somone else’s info or my own. N2 I recieved a two which is really weird but again IDk where exactly its from. Last night, I recieved a BARISTA 1 zero, so I know that shit was true, meaning that all info anyone got last night was true. That being said, I’m not sure anyone recieved info last night besides wazza

That wouldn’t be how cerenovus mutant works.

I could have been cerenovus mad as the mutant (or an outsider in general) which as the mutant puts me in a catch 22 situation where I die to my own ability or the cerenovus ability.

But if I wasn’t the mutant and got made mad as the mutant publically claiming mutant doesn’t neccessarily break madness since I’m trying to convince you I am the mutant. I wouldn’t have been executed there.

All in all, my point is, I am the mutant and I prove there is a fang gu. If anyone is pit hagged into an outsider I implore you to out to discourage the jump please do not side with evils and let yourself get jumped.

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Man I really hope I don’t get ignored for the rest of this game as an outed outsider and nobody ever talks to me because that’s just depressing

If Magnus is telling the truth about being pit hagged into the Witch, then he can’t have cursed anyone today as Witch acts before Pit Hag in the night order.

happy cake day jarek

I joined this site today a year ago?

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Oh damn I did wtf

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The way Misty flipped on their reads of every player is kinda weird tome honestly, esp since they claim swapped with Eliza and then immediatley scumread her

Anyone wanna whisper btw

Now you mention that, it probably unpairs both Mist and Eliza. As I don’t see why Mist would treat their buddy the way they did if they are w/w.

VOTE: Magnus.

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Bruh this is not the time to self-nominate if you’re good.

I think YBW is the Demon, and Jarek’s the Cerenovus who made themselves mad and broke it to look like the Mutant. The two whispered D1.

I was Pit Hagged into the Klutz.

two people were pithagged
nobody’s claiming it happened to them n1