1 blocked message
…You’d forgive my sin.
I am forgiving but my persona Jar3k isn’t
Make that your alt name.
idk how to do that
Skill issue.
I’m allowed to keep this alt.
Oh ok.
The previous BoTF had evils win after 2 mislunches, thanks to so many killing roles.
time for Gorta no Dashii season 2 to air
You can at least put me down for backup. Still considering whether to join at the start.
were allowing travellers to join for the first few days (i.e. not f4/f3) if you change your mind later
I’d probably join if it’s 9, so that it becomes a 2 minion game at 10.
Is that right?
This game’s more mechanically driven than your last mountainous game. It makes the game slightly more complicated to understand, but probably easier to play, if that makes sense.
The main differences are that dead players can continue to play (with a few disadvantages), flips are hidden, and if a certain evil is killed, the game ends. Try to read through the OP, feel free to ask any clarifying questions, and see if it makes sense.