Likely at least 1 evil between Jake and Atlas there hence why you 3 are our nominations.
This is a Baron game confirmed by the presence of all outsiders (Caspore as Tinker, Amelia Puzzlemaster, myself as Damsel and a Drunk) and by the Dreamer who saw Bellatrix as Damsel or Baron - Who has been outed evil.
This is also (likely) a Mez game confirmed by Zone outing evil, playing chaotically and the Dreamer seeing him as Mathematician and Baron. We suspect Zone is our evil Math. It is possible that Zone and Bellatrix are different evils and that the Dreamer is drunk/puzzledrunk but I digress.
Atlas claims that Crazynuto is their evil twin. If this is the case then it is a Lil Monsta game. But Nuto has been denying this consistently so there’s worlds where Atlas is evil and is controlling the narrative well.