BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

im decently sure your info for d1 and d2 only works if

Jake is exactly puzzledrunked pixie
And eliza is exactly drunken slayer

which i believe means im the demon
which is impossible because amelia guessed you

so your info doesnt work!

Iā€™ve had my suspicions Iā€™m the Drunk for a while anyway.

True. I didnā€™t have it.
I am it.

Which means Jake is Puzzle Drunked if theyā€™re good.

which is impossible given its me or jake whos holding the lil monsta, during d2

so im puzzledrunk
youā€™re drunk
jakes evil!
anyway kill them

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Jake being evil is possible, depending on the timing of claiming to be a twin with Amelia.

jake needs to be exactly puzzledrunk
which isnā€™t possible, because that means i was holding the demon during d2
which isnt possible, because amelia guessed you and it went to me, and youā€™re just drunk, not puzzled

If Jake is indeed evil, then they claimed to be in a twin pair with Amelia trying to protect someone.

if amelia was holdng lil monsta d1 eliza could have 4 tokens on her
puzzledrunk / no ability / fear / mathematician abnormal

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they were joking about it and said it was true later when it was convenient, i assume

you could also be ticking up math if kiiruma and caspore were evil and you were puzzledrunk
puzzledrunk / good / twin / mathematician abnormal

when they said it again it was viewed as ā€œyou were seriousā€ rather than anything else

Which actually makes sense, as losing the Evil Twin means one of their alternate win conditions goes poof.

Legion game where most players are puppets

Is it?

In addition, hereā€™s another reason Iā€™m Drunk and it has to do with the night deaths.
My role should be a prime Demon kill in any world where it isnā€™t Lil Monsta, yet itā€™s obvious evils donā€™t control the night kill. The storytellers do.
Would the storytellers spare me if I really saw the role I thought I was?

i think crich is cere mad about being the drunk

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