BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

just look through their iso :wowee:

iso-metric exercise

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from here

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Does this have the lying texture on it?


How many people had accused Bellatrix by the time she outed

Is this W/W?

bella just spent the past 20 minutes exclaiming that heaven is a myth


It’s the sleepy May time. I am the one who solves the games the awake one doesn’t do shit


fun fact
if you ask magnus really nicely, they will make a fake savant info for you

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I’m just gonna reread the entire game with my third eye open BRB


puzzledrunk / good :+1: / twin
there could be a floating drunk then somewhere if atlas makes it 3

otherwise the drunk is prob crich or eliza

the +1 makes me feel all the more mildly on the good teams side

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im not
but after tonight i probably will be tbh



/whisper @Magnus

oh and
one thing
there isn’t any need to have me marked as good, if im puzzledrunk

i asked jarek and he said he would anyways
same with eliza drunk/no ability

jarek told me it was an Atheist game and i wasn’t being told until now because its an Atheist game and to have fun

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the clock ticks
i draw everymore closer to my demise
yadda yadda
im gonna go take a nap

Guys it worked

A living player claiming Cult Leader is a member of a much larger cult than you expected / The Sentinel is secretly in play.

I told y’all that it was a mother fucking god damn legion game and everyone around me is fucking Legion.

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Poor Magnus