BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

But Kii, if I am not evil then why would I ever be sacrificed for someone evil?

We should execute me, yes.

/execute Zone
/pardon everyone else


Glad you agree

It’s used to create weapons of mass destruction.

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Yes. I will most definitely die today. :slightly_smiling_face:

Savant moment

Savant Info:

The Tinker will meet a devastating end today / The Demon is bluffing as the Tinker


I am sorry to inform you this, but…

Idk if you are evil or not is the problem.
Rn we mostly have a solve.
I feel like having an evil scapegoat to counterbalance it makes sense.

So socially you are good. But balance wise you seem more likely evil

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Bold of you to assume her marital status to life.

My alignment was based on choosing on a number of 1 to 3. My alignment was given a chance.

And, even if Silviu was good, unless some radically new evidence shows up, either me or CRich will be executed. If we execute the good player, Silviu will probably die instead.

Evil is within Atlas/CRich/Jake

We need to find the mezepheles, we need to find the demon.

I don’t know how BoTF balancing works but if you really got surprised by a sudden scapegoat then sure.

Drunk shutdown

Although, thinking on it, when Silviu joined the game, the (supposed) evil count was 4 to 6 good. Adding in another evil vote to make 5 to 6, which seems like, uh, unbalanced as fuck.

Even if we knew 3 of the 4 evil players, that still would’ve left us with 2 evil to 3 good at the final day (as one of the 5 remaining players would be a traveler who isn’t considered for headcount)

I mean, we would get 1 folly axe if Silviu was good, and if they’re evil then they’d either die to cover Zone/Bella or to cover Me/CRich.

Alright, I do believe you about the fact that you chose a number. But still that’s a 1/3 chance that you royally screw us over and then you defend who you proc’d for

You did get to choose scapegoat, yeah?


How sure are we that Atlas really was the good twin? If we as a town are pretty sure that Nuto was Evil, then I would be willing to go on the chopping block to then force a trilemma between the 3 current evils as to who holds the baby. I would even be willing to nominate myself if that suits your fancy @Atlas