BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

its not anything new
i severally doubt religion cares

My religion teacher… said Adam and Eve and their offsprings-

Yes that’s where the sentence stops

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im not drunk
crich isn’t puzzledrunk
that world obviously lines up, if he were to be drunk and i were to be puzzled

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I think this entire thing with banishing gayness is to support the “be fruitful and multiply” because from how I see it from what I am being taught is that God just wants to see more of us or something

now is not the time, friend


which, does more to put that the sts are pushing jake being evil

But the good part is that we are progressing with science, so we’re leaving all of this behind.

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Sorry :sob:


Social evidence, yes.

But when you find the smoking gun in the handmaiden’s hands, you do not blame the butler despite their distain for their master.

In this case, I believe that enough mechanical evidence shows that CRichard is probably not drunk. After all, you yourself dismissed this as hard to believe.
Unless, the person that really thinks that a drunken CRich is… you.

you’ve floundered around, ignored what i had said, and pushed your narrative, yes
but none of that changes mechanical evidence, no matter how you say
it leads to you

spell out the mechanical evidence, as i did for may, if you would kindly

As for the religion talk,

I am a lifelong atheist. Possibly my only regret is that I never got to experience indoctrination, but some things are best left untouched.

That is all.


if crich is drunk, their information is arbitrary
which means you are likely evil, considering their d1 mech would be completely true otherwise, i believe

The bashing of the church.

The French Revolution shall start yet again

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I’d like to clarify that me using the phrase “cult indoctrination” is not meant to be a religious statement, thanks.


nor did i take it as such
or nobody else, i would hope


Technically what do BotF cult leaders even worship?





However, your use of the phrase


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