BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

Oops, see if the mathematician turned evil? I forgot to do math because of that!

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at this point, im afraid its rather certain im puzzledrunk, in most worlds, i would say

you’re always supposed to absorb the knowledge of the teachers before they become corrupted, to beat them later

Hmm, I think maybe it’s CRich?

Jake beforehand got feedback that he’s evil twin with Amelia but did not account that maybe he’s drunk and then presumed that Amelia is Marionette.

or he could be evil doing the same thing, its a tossup

Currently playing with the grim.

play faster

It’s quite hard to tell, people are smart enough to invent an elaborate lie

And presuming that you, Jake and CRich has much BoTF experience

Quite the contrary!

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Also there’s the possibility that May was killed, not because of her feedback, but to sabotage you from cult forming

So, Day 1 works if I am Puzzled, which would be consistent with observation, given that I am not the Evil Twin.
Day 2 works as well, assuming that the storyteller was talking about living neighbors instead of absolute neighbors.
Day 3 is almost certainly correct, unless somehow Zone is… like… just a minion.

8/12 + 1
If we kill Bella and then the night passes
6/12 + 1
If we kill Zone and then the night passes
4/12 + 1
If we myslynch and then the night passes
2/12 + 1


they were not, it didn’t specify living, as the cult leader ability does

bella isnt nominated, i believe

The heck was that

And they damn well better stay that way today to avoid splitting the vote.

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Obvie he’s joking but :skull:

/nominate Bella

Reason: Something to Baron mind


Literally this.
We need to consolidate

Allowing a vote split is unwise