BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

Postman Tap Postman Tap Postman Tap “I’ll try anything once!”

I don’t know how to play chess but I think we both just won?


Something about developing your king


God every time I post i have to double check that i dont accidentally post in CoD instead


Weird problem to have just uninstall Call of Duty


Im addicted i cant

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In a way this is true im just addicted to eden instead

Bet I could break it by doing a legit hellpass 14 run


Idk how you could confuse them. There’s no fish here.

Ended up doing 4 games of clocktower in person today.
Most of the games were very quick, only 1 actually made it to the final 3.

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I was just playin the salem mod since it released today (and… rolled jackal recruited agent, “yay”)

Every game of clocktower I played I was the marionette today.

Every single one.

It was actually quite fun. I think I’m some boring as fuck snoozefest role (oracle :sleeping: ) and then I get told I’m the marionette and actually have fun.


Where tf are you playing clocktower at?

Discord server I know hosts clocktower daily

clocktower daily is a news paper

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/Start my cult

Either im Puzzledrunk, which we might as well just shoot Jake to death here and now, or I’m next to two good players


speaking of filling jake with lead

/Nominate Jake

Magnus doesn’t appear to be here to open noms and I think they open by now so I’ll achnowledge this and open them in a sec.

Or a secret third thing: Demon