BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!


BellatrixFortune Teller — Arctic Zone No / Atlas Eliza Yes / Jake Eliza No — Died N4
AmeliaPuzzlemaster — Arctic → Atlas D2
ElizaSlayer — Amelia D1
CrazynutoCult LeaderExecuted D2
LeafiaAlchemist [Fearmonger] — Eliza / Amelia — Died N2
JakePixie [Alchemist (Evil Twin)] — Amelia Marionette N2
ZoneMathematician — 1 / 2 / 0 — Executed D3
MayDreamer — Bella Damsel Baron / Zone Math Baron — Died N3
CasporeTinkerExecuted D1
AtlasCult Leader — Crazynuto’s Good Twin


You know I really want to read that game, too bad the old archive is moving like a grandpa

ok actually yeah

the savant info i got might confirm what im saying if the fifrst statement is false cuz if evils were losing i dont get why ST would kill a minion with lil monsta

a general would have learned evil is winning last night
exactly one of the travellers was evil

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Bella I almost thought you are town for posting a submission list, how dare you as an evil help


Yeah i know
we’re on even numbers rn so i think testing that world seems fine to me

who would be the host if he’s the leech?

According to ST balance :sparkles:

The leech should still be within Atlas-Jake-Arctic

I could believe both of these ngl.
I could even believe both of the travellers were evil.

If Atlas is evil then they’ve been running the game safely and evil as a result have been doing well in that case.

If Atlas is not evil then I think that’s the false statement as then our evils are basically always you or Jake (with a very very niche world of Eliza)

Those are the only people who are seemingly malfunctioning.

I am not evil!!! :rage:

Look, I’m not saying that I believe that you are always evil. I know you said you chose a number 1 to 3.

But… well, its entirely possible the STs just gave you evil anyway because of us being ahead and on the right world

it’s so easy for evils to just make this game as confusing as possible

either intentionally or inadvertently because not even evils have all the info on who’s evil sometimes

like rn what’s most plausible to me is if atlas is the leech and killed a minion to make us think lil monsta game or bella outted to guess evil jake as damsel and spew them town??


Well if I am as red as my pfp, hopefully Mezepheles and Demon can coordinate their vote on a myslynch so I can vote with them. :joy_wolf:

and i agree with kiiruma that the more likely person to be masterminding some bullshit out of these two is atlas just because no offence to jake but he doesn’t have a very good wolfgame at all but atlas does


This is exactly what I’ve been thinking without saying it directly. Sorry Jake lol


I still don’t know why Atlas didn’t say he has an evil twin D1

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It could be a late decision of a play. Idk

lleech is so bs how tf do u figure out who the host is if they’re someone who doesn’t even get real info

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This is what you usually face against when playing BotF, ryan?

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Such as… the Damsel.

Time to lynch Eliza because who would eliminate that nerd in BoTF