BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

Or more like


the player with the “evil twin” ability
and the player who they see as their “good twin”
must always be oppostie alignments

jake is claiming he is good and that amelia is the evil marionette

Jake asked me if a baron exist would a marionette even exists to claim puzzlemaster without being challenged by another puzzlemaster

English chaos

well jake’s info has to be wrong otherwise theres not enough outsiders

so he’s drunk / evil

but i still dont really understand why atlas can’t be drunk?

can you be a drunk good twin
does that exist

if atlas cant be drunk then jake is probably drunk and atlas is leech

Considering Jake inheritted Alchemist, it’s quite possible that he thinks he has an evil twin

yeah you can
the evil twin would see “xxx is the Drunk” rather than “xxx is [townsfolk role]”
atlas is arguing that crazy saw “atlas is the cult leader” because he tried to keep the twin pair silent

atlas can still be drunk by the puzzlemaster, but it’s somewhat less likely that he is The Drunk

did he say this before atlas claimed CL

i do not know!
that is a question for @atlas to answer and not me

i forgot puzzlemaster exists as well

jesus christ outsiders are fucking stupid

Okay so Arctic I can explain to you how all of this works, just ask

read this

and this

And oh hey, do you know all the roles in play right now?

dont flame me for picking baron
flame amelia for picking puzzlemaster :wowee:

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wait so this means atlas isn’t leech unless i’m puzzledrunk

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that is accurate, yes

If you are puzzledrunk then Atlas is the devil

yeah i kind of think killing atlas here answers the most questions

i can get why killing me would be better from everyone else’s point of view because it’s the easy world TM but i’m good so

my goal is to continuously state completely logical facts and conclusions and see if you go insane from it