BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

Either you agree with me that STs wouldnt kill bella if it was a LM game or you don’t think evils were losing. you can’t say evils were losing and they’d still do that kill lol

unless you think statement 2 is false - YBW and silviu were both evil / both good

Presumably YBW is good, she just kinda left

silviu could be evil, yes
but im afraid being evil with me makes little sense

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the info’s true and false

Goodness, it would mean I am like the 5th evil here. Definetly balanced design

i wouldn’t know at the moment if silviu was evil
i haven’t whispered anyone who could be evil since 2 hours into d1

how is the first statement false if hosts killed a minion

I killed the minion, in the world you’re crafting

we’re assuming im lleech in this

evil is sitll winning in the world where you were leech

especially because it was talking about last night

that means the infos true
and silviu/ybw is good
which means the bottom is false
meaning d4 is true

D2, d3, d4 were all true

Guys. Wouldn’t it means there’s 2 drunks in Atlas-Arctic-Jake


and the remainder is the Mezepheles

Then Arctic can’t hold water

Simply Arctic is waterproof

why does that make silviu and ybw both good

because silviu isnt evil with me
ybw was pretty obviously not evil

silviu has been actively going against my wish, there