BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

ADHD? Wowzers, I have the H part!


my life quality and expectancy has gone up drastically since


Idk about expectancy given those laxatives…


I think that savant info was
very wonky and would have never pointed to kiiruma being evil.

Also I thought that us just assuming Zone was converted by the meze was very weird. I never came out with it because Atlas the obliterator would’ve obliterated me.


So uh yeah, great game, 7/10, should’ve been a Psychopath

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If Atlas figured out they were the drunk it very much could have.

It also indicated if solved correctly that zone was holding the lil monsta first since they were the evil that was nominated D1 and thus couldn’t have been the mez turned math

but you know, can’t really solve the game for Good that wouldn’t be fair

Yeah. Us assuming that directly led to our loss.

Atlas was fairly close to a solve they just had drunk and puzzledrunk the wrong way around

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Awesome game. I owe a trophy, it seems


Who was holding it each day?

Zone held it first and was nominated, then Bellatrix, who was also nominated (that’s what that savant info was about)

then Kiiruma forever

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Ah. I see.

The savant info was tricky but if it was solved properly you’d have won the game off the back of the info it was giving out

We might’ve done so had we not assumed two things. That Atlas couldn’t be the drink and that Zone started good but got trurned evil.

That’s what the savant info was trying to indicate yeah

I see.

The evil twin Drunk worked pretty well to convince the drunk they weren’t actually the drunk which I thought was pretty funny.


The savant drunk info being corrected was because on my grim atlas was sitting between bellatrix and kiiruma but here it’s not actually set up like that :stuck_out_tongue: