BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

mod abuse

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its for an Invitational or something
of no matter

Admin abuse

anyway I was told theres an athiest in play


Good that its just an Athiest and not an Atheist

hey i ned the username “orangeandblack5” for an FM game im hosting can you delete your account


now that I read that again I think that came off as rude when I didnt intend it to

I just noticed im outposting atlas



So yeah this cult is pretty cool.

Cult of the Cateon.

Cat/Eeveelution worship. Pretty rad. Compulsory pokemon battle for hierarchy.

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youve sold me
/decline crazynuto’s cult


the problem with pokemon battles is that i dont like being beaten


to the people undecided
think of the cult votes as a way to prove whether or not someone’s evil
if nuto’s cult doesnt go through the first time, with the rest of us saying yes, that means either bella or kii has to be good, or nuto’s a phony leader
thats quite valuable information, isn’t it?


and, given marionette, thats more valuable information in the future aswell

I like being semi provably good. So I also encourage everyone to join these cults!

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Got done with a VIP game where the entire town collectively forgot who the VIP was


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/join all Cults @Host_Account_2

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He thought he was the cult leader?

Good question.

I never noticed that until just now.

Yup. I came up with the name. I’m Crazy’s second in command.

Just win then.

Laughs How’s that even possible?

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I’d attribute half of it to the game not tagging the VIP properly because of a bug

And the other half because the VIP was a Vigilante because of another bug :froggwee:

Wow. Never seen either bug happen.