BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

Nah, just Magnus. Jarek will actively campaign against it by deleting our accounts.

I think Jarek likes storytelling.

True, but consider:

I am rapidly approaching your mother

Can I modkill you yet?

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Only if you promise to give me a better role next time other than actually useless baron



Get Wrecked, Nerd

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What if the wager doesn’t have material value? Is it still against the rules? :thinking:

Name something that doesn’t have material value.

Logic, Love. Those things don’t exist materially.

Logic does have material value. And don’t call me love, babes.


Survey says!

[5 Xs appear on the board, a blaring siren plays, rivaling the volume of the THX logo]

This is the time Aussies are awake, yet no one else is online.

Maybe they should go back to sleep

Maybe everyone else should wake up already. I thought everyone on the internet had insomnia.

I see. Got it. :+1:

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Friendly reminder: None of the minions pick someone for their night action on this script, except the Fearmonger.

You could still be getting tricked by the Storyteller, if you were drunk then you would still be prompted to use your ability even if it did nothing. Hell, if you were the Lleech’s host, you’d still be prompted to submit a target even though you would be drunk and/or poisoned.

Just because the storyteller storytells you to submit a target for your ability doesn’t actually mean that your ability does anything, or that you even have an ability to use.

Wouldn’t a Drunk believing they were the Alchemist Fearmonger not be mod announced?
The Fearmonger being mod confirmed once they change their target is part of their ability.
Ah I see what you’re getting at Jake. You’re arguing that the Fearmonger exists, yet it isn’t Leafia.

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