BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

fun fact incase no one noticed btw



Going to head out for now too so talk to everyone more later.

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Oops. Forgot to add this: :sleepingleafeon:

Whatā€™s so funny bout my list ya nerds? :stuck_out_tongue:

howdy howdy
this will certainly be ā€œinterestingā€, yes?
i have not much to say at the very moment

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other than, simply, if you wish to accuse this of being an athiest game, i have the very poor news of which that i am Ignoring You


im the athiest

donā€™t consider yourself safe behind your mask of tricks and sockpuppets, Clown


Iā€™m the Atheist.

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Would someone wanna whisper? Iā€™m up for chats.

takes one to know one :clown_face:


Maybe after I take a shower

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sure im down
on phone getting ready for school so its a hassle for me to make it

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Sounds good to me. Would be happy to

i could
but as of yet what i have to say only particularly interests my role

Iā€™m also on mobile. Woooo

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But yeah Iā€™ll talk to anyone

/whisper kiiruma


oh, and my rolecard has about as many messages plotting and
talking about cake really
as this thread itself does