BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

lets get this over with

If Baron then me, Amelia, Caspore and drunk exist

yeah usually you cant find the drunk

thats like The Point

baron, evil twin, mez
lilā€™ monsta game
bellaā€™s good
that really fit your story?

Hell, it couldā€™ve been the Slayer earlier, or me!

In the case of Lil Monsta, we must have a Baron given lack of Fearmonger and Evil Twin.

In the case of Lleech, it must be exactly Mez and Marionette for me to be fake.


Baron means all 4 Outsiders are in.

so there ainā€™t no marionette

CRich could be drunk and not puzzledrunk maybe idk

I donā€™t know who our drunk candidates are.

Iā€™ve been busy focusing on acting like I wanted to not be nommed lmao

quite frankly, i feel youā€™re almost trying to force me to do this

so thereā€™s really no damsel in play huh
i have lots of info and no clue what it means

thereā€™s going to be a hell of a lot more trouble for you if this happens
you want everything to crumble on you


You know I tend to crack pretty easily as a wolf.

So why, in godā€™s almighty earth, do I challenge you as one

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bella ainā€™t no marionette
we know this

Kii would have to be evil with em
according to you, they ainā€™t

so that leaves evil twin, and mez
iā€™d said mez fits fine

did bella whisper zone, or have any connections thereof?

I think they mighta talked. Idk

hell if i know
whereā€™s the marionette

what good will killing me do
if iā€™m the lleech