BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - Signups (13/7-19)

Since I don’t trust a single person to not use the double standard against me, my participation in this game is in doubt.

You see the only reason i’m wolf read and picked on, is because people here are in cahoots to persecute me directed by demons.

demons… as in more than one.

CRich is confirmed Legion

I can already see this game is going to suck for me.

Does that mean you’ll join :pleading_face:

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I’ll think about it.


I can’t be the only person to have thought of this.

I mean I definitely didn’t until now

I’ve had this joke in my head for months.

Do you think anyone will join our fun game

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I think everyone should join our FUN game


Yeah, of course. People are just scared, but they’re all working up their nerve to sign up.

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We still haven’t had a BoTF Legion and Leviathan game.

I recently played a game of Indigestion Brewing on the unofficial Discord as a Goon, and I loved the paranoia having Legion on the script caused. Not even just for myself, my role implied it wasn’t Legion, but everyone seemed scared.

It didn’t last long; I was turned evil and then good again, and the Cerenovus madness-executed themselves.

count me in


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Legion is fun to see but it’s not fun to be. That’s my take.


I’ve been in a legion game as the legion and if you fuck up even once then it feels bad because you just lose

my one legion game it was legion pg and we vote failed d1
on a legion


There are now more BOTFs than there are Final Fantasys