BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

You know this to be true so kindly stop with this paranoia on me and stop trying to push me or you really will be jumped by the Fang Gu if it’s really a Fang Gu game. Atllas even said it himself that I was far from my scummeta, so please actually use logic.

Also, talking to Litten here.

I am 100% certain that Zone is the demon right now. Trust me Litten.

You won’t be disappointed.

Good thing you didn’t say “I am good and you know it” because I would’ve death tunneled you

He doesn’t know it. Only I know I’m good for 100% certainty. Now vite execute on Zone and pardon me please.

The organ grinder makes it so that for the sake of executions, votes are anonymous.
An exile for a traveller is different than an execution for a player.

They have some similarities: Ability stops working (unless it states otherwise), only 1 remaining vote for the rest of the game.

However, many abilities (E.G. Flowergirl, Witch, Town Crier etc.) do not apply when it comes to exile. It is specific to executions.

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Kill leafia

Can travkers talk after being exiled

They are in their scum meta vote exe

they have no actual case against zone while I have an actual case against leafia

Yes, they ccan

No. Kill Zone and pardon me. Please stop this Litten. Stop being paranoid. You act like it’simpossible for anyonr else to be the demon other than me. It isn’t. What happens when I get executed and the game continues? That’s right. You get jumped if it’s really a Fang Gu game.

this is all leafia trying to jump me, don’t let her do it

Yes, similarly to execution, both normal players and travellers are able to talk after the executions/exiles in the game. The only things which are disabled are people’s abilities (With some exceptions), people’s ability to nominate other players and their ability to vote (except for once)

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Wrong. Yoh have absolutely no real case against me while I have a very good one against Zone. Guava even outlibed it for you. Well, he’s more the one with the case than I am.

you are literally accusing zone of having some higher level strategy which is just blantantly untrue

No. It’s your paranoua talking and I’m a farmer.

kill leafia CHOOO CHOOOOO

Litten, prove that it’s not true. What’s that? You can’t? Not surprised. This classic scum behavior from Zone.