BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS


I just like this gif there’s nothing to it

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Oh okay LOL

Everyone I post it to immediately assumes I’m upset for one reason or another and I think that’s hilarious when I’m just sitting here watching a dark souls hollow and laughing



I gossip that Zone is the Noble

You are the gossip person?

Gossip Noted



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I gossip that I am the gossip


Gossip noted.

I’d lock into the mod account to note these but…


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Killing for the sake of killing :sob::sob:

I’m cruel like that

Wait, this is a thing?
Sweet! …now, do I want to die? Because once I’m dead, my votes no longer matter. (Well, they do, but only once.)

Gossiping about you doesn’t mean you’ll die
It just means if it’s correct someone dies

Wait a minute. It just says a random person.
Bah, that’s useless.

Well, the ST’s get to pick so it’s not neccessarily random but it effectively is as far as everyone is concerned

Okay, so anyhow, I’m not seeing any discussions other than whisper talk, so I’ll just do my own thing in private, I guess.

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Yeah they probably won’t kill the demon but other than that it’s basically random lol

also like
why would you ever use it
they won’t kill a minion either unless we are losing badly

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