BotF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - GOOD TEAM WINS

Okay Litten, you’re off the hook.

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Me when I’m actually scum and kill Leafia to claim farmer :smiling_imp::fire:


Nope. All eyes on you Zone. Ypu even wanted to be executed until now. Why the change? Also, suppertime for me. :sleepingleafeon:

Alright. The team’s Leafia/Guava.
Demon is Leafia, Organ Grinder is Guava.

We’re done here. All that’s left is for Good to vote 'em, and then we’ve won the game.

Now uh… I know Organ Grinder is death-immune, so is the Demon also conditionally death-immune?

Imp… Fang Gu…
Oh wait. Fang Gu hops into Outsider
I thought it was Minion. So, technically Nuto could have been Fang Gu, and Fang Gu is now someone else… Meh. There’d have been 2 Outsider claims. I’ll just leave the claim-hunt over to Litten and call it a day.

Yeah, that is kinda what you’re like, forced to say in this situation, isn’t it?

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You have to latch onto Litten’s idea because you know there’s already a guaranteed vote there

Because what you said is a death sentence.
I know I am crazy. It would be weirder if someone calls me sane at this point. That does not mean I have the balls to claim Noble and never initiate nor start any whispers as Evil.

Rather than forced, you two are literally the only ones with the loudest mouths, pushing for me.

And that makes us evil?

I latch on Litten’s idea because I can.
There is no need for logic.
“I want it, therefore I do it” is enough to move me.

Yeah. It’s a KISS principle: “Keep it stupidly simple.”

So rather than solving you choose to believe Litten because you don’t want to die
Got it :+1:t2:

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How do you feel about Leafia/Kiiruma

Well I still don’t care if I die.
I just know that it will waste Good’s time.

I don’t give a damn about whatever other Good people does. I know you’re Evil unless some BS happened with Innskeeper, but I refuse to believe the latter so you’re simply Evil.

You were the first one to burn the bridge, and I ain’t going to be the first person to repair it.

IDEK what the case is on Kiiruma.

And frankly, I don’t care.
You burnt the bridge.
Now you pay for it.

Your noble ping is the case
I know I’m safe
Silviu is claiming magician and they’re locktown imo
If you’re telling the truth Kiiruma is real

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I have honestly no clue whats going on this game.

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So you’re saying Nuto was the demon’s attack then?

Hang on.
*reads role description*
Okay, what am I supposed to do with this?
Like, who the heck approached Silviu?

Nah. You ain’t even giving me his claim, and just push him “because Zone might be Good”? NAH. If you wanna play stupid, then do it without me.

You had the guts to badmouth me and think that you can just dump it on Kiiruma to mend the bridge? I don’t accept it.

You aren’t even giving me any information to work with. What the heck is this presentation!?

Consider my POV:

  • Guava is Organ Grinder; lied about Gossip
  • Demon kills Innskeeper claim

One death; Demon’s attack.
Simple, right?