BOTF XVIII: Hurdy-Gurdy Fanfare - Signups (8/19)



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have you guys tried improving the script

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reminder that I will in as a not traveler if you guys donā€™t have enough players

I think most of the hesitation for people to join comes from the Organ Grinderā€¦ with the possible Vortox / Legion combo. People wouldnā€™t want to be pressed into voting, and in that case executions may be either overwhelming or underwhelming, or maybe nobody could be executed some days.

And then some people donā€™t like the Courtier / Organ Grinder combo either, but if Courtier was removed there wouldnā€™t be a major alternative reason as to why an OGā€™s ability could stop working. In that case the Organ Grinderā€™s ability might stay active the entire game, which is ~fine but annoying for good. This script is by no means a masterpiece, though.

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Iā€™m no expert but if certain roles revolt people that hard maybe a different script is in order

We had no idea how people would react to the Organ Grinder on this site, so this game was entirely supposed to decide whether or not it should ever be put on a script here again. Then people just made up their minds before playing with it, soā€¦ mission accomplished in a way, maybe.

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you could have done a poll to gauge interest

also, sometimes you can tell when something is going to suck without having to have played it


The thing is that Organ Grinder has proven to be either extremely well liked or hated in shortform.
Sending out a poll wouldā€™ve been fine.

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(as 5)

fyi itā€™s been two weeks, Iā€™m not canning this because thereā€™s nothing else in the misc queue


/In as 8

@Hazardwaste I decided to in to this in the end

/in as 11
I forgot the setup and I am not planning on looking at it until the game starts.


Wait, really?

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If someone else submits a misc this one will be canned

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Brb throwing together a misc

I kinda want to throw together a bunch of events and host a King of the Castle misc but itā€™s too much work

submits telephone pictionary

word match 3?