I guess the use of z makes it more alienish but still
Probably a nod to the Grey Alien trope.
Mana didn’t put in travellers until update 9 on their script. My educated guess is that Vizitor F5 restriction doesn’t include travellers.
Yes, it’s the Boomdandy.
That part is on us 100%.
I am a rules lawyer.
My favourite rules lawyer.
I didn’t know law school allows you to become a rules lawyer.
RAW it does count
If it doesnt count it always specifics
I would agree that running it as travellers dont count is just. better thouugh lol
travelers are a gray area that ends up getting hit by the Bootlegger a lot
this is why im travelerphobic
definitely not because ive had too many travelers just travel purely to wreck the game
That isn’t a very high bar when nobody likes rules lawyering.
no, they got very much killed in f3
I faked my death. I was Litten all along.