BOTF XXI: Unkindness, Murder and Storytelling Main Thread GAME OVER

i dont think grounds could mess with hazard
he would get groundskeeper as a townsfolk, not something else
i don’t know how hazard would be made drunk by grounds itself

Groundskeeper registers as townsfolk.
A townsfolk is drunk’d, which is Hazard (Valley)

but he would have to have registered as it from somewhere, wouldnt he

Nope. I mean Recluse can just register as evil in general.
Doesn’t have to register to an ability.
But that’s playing with technicalities there.

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“Each night, decide what character type (Townsfolk, Outsider, Minion, Demon) the Groundskeeper will register as for the day, then decide if a player of that type becomes drunk, if so, place the “Drunk” token next to them.”

i slept for 4 hours 3 days in a row
my critical thinking sucks


Yeah so it’s viable for Hazard to be drunk’d by a groundskeeper or a suit to exist who messed with it.

As much of a feelsbad it is for Hazard’s OPG to be used up with mis-info, it’s using an evil ability to help evil.

The Almanac for this script is very weird. Under normal circumstances, misregistration would involve taking the place as a specific character and their type, but the Groundskeeper is just type-exclusive. I’d clarify with the STs.

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Actually, just don’t trust the almanac.
Look at Martial Artist and you’ll see why.

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Can you link it

Unkindness,Murder & Storytelling Almanac.

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I don’t get it what’s wrong with it

”If you choose a evil player, you are drunk until dusk tomorrow."

Second example showcases protecting the Shabaloth from the Devil’s Advocate.

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I never understood the drunk until dusk
What does this phase mean

It means you’re drunk until the end of the next day.

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Oh and since MA is an active effect, it should be stopped if they are drunk

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Similar to how it’s stopped if they die

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Which therefore means the DA should work as intended, yada yada.

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I imagine it’s mainly to prevent people from choosing suit targets

Suit shouldnt mess with me if the st’s did the valley girl as a setup ability. And didn’t purposely make me drunk via suit

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