BOTF XXI: Unkindness, Murder and Storytelling Main Thread GAME OVER

who told you that

The Storytellers will still chart it for you.

i dunno, gut feeling I guess

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Yes. CRichard’s going with the old system on nominations, whispers, everything.

its your sixth kitty sense!!

i think thats a real thing

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Magnus stands up to point at Litten to accuse him of being the Final Girl. The game … isn’t over.


okay having one really good one is cool too!!

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One time in mafia, moleland was a converted court wizard who just used a day ability to target the prince to make them target themselbes that night

and, as soon as they did it, they didn’t say anything, but like, I out right said “why do I get the sense that you just did something evil”

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Nominations are closed

So Litten, which Scream rule did you break?

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Yeah he knows.

I mean open

Except it doesn’t count as nominations have begun anyway. Move along folks.

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Magnus is confirmed to not be the demon :blobby:

Litten is confirmed to not be the Final Girl. :blobjam:

I’ll get you tomorrow.

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He had sex smh


Litten will be right back.

not if I kill myself first

Not if I kill you first.

I am the amnesiac with the spy ability, I know I am your red herring