BOTF XXI: Unkindness, Murder and Storytelling Main Thread GAME OVER

if atlas is the vizitor it will

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It would be really funny if a rumor targeted me tonight after I died sayinf it’s an atheist game
And then the dreameater targeted me making me mad I know who the demon is

alternatively, make me mad tbat I don’t know who the demon is

A Rumour-Maker and Dream Eater need to synchronise in order to get any use from the Demon’s ability; otherwise it’s just “make someone play normally but committed”.

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Coincidentally I just went to sleep!

/execute Litten @CRichardFortressLies @May @Playwright

(Are they keeping track of votes?)


we are going by a honors system, basically I get to tell the story tellers who has the most votes
right now it’s the story tellers

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/execute Litten @CRichardFortressLies @May @Playwright

this is my circus, and i will not have you clowns running around in it.

Anxiety about schools gives me anxiety

I am staying home because I am sick

I look at the school class group and there’s like thousands of homewerk and tests and I also have to get alot of lessons back


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@baker did you ever get back to me about wanting to whisper? I feel kinda bad cause you were the demon last time, and were kinda out of the loop, so I want your experience this game to be enjoyable (which it will be, it’s an enjoyable game) also vote execute on me along with people like @Jarek and @Kiiruma

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I didn’t even do anything but ok

just vote execute me it’s mech optimal to kill me

I’m taking a nap

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You tired him, unbelievable, litten

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Litten if i vote you today i promise to nominate the demon tomorrow ok?

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dont worry you can trust me. i wont backstab you

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I trust you :)

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Friendship always wins

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