BOTF XXI: Unkindness, Murder and Storytelling Main Thread GAME OVER

You’re rewarding the good team for taking the risk to execute.

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You’re underestimating how dumb town can be sometimes and itwould depend on how convincing and trusted the demon was. As well as how trusted the mayor was.

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By the way, don’t execute on four in a Legion game, either. You’ll put the ST into an awkward spot if you kill a Legion.

I do not assume people are stupid when playing botc, not unless it was all beginners

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You pretty much force the ST to no-kill or kingmake.

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Or if the evils didn’t trust the soldier claim. Or the kill was stopped somehow. You are right that a smart town would virtually always win though.

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what should the st do in that situation

The correct decision is to kill the Mayor because it relates to how the players ran the game. Bouncing the final nightkill into the soldier is just too much ST-dabble for me.

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town correctly killed a demon

Yeah. I’d agree with you unless the town really worked hard for a win up to that point and evilsdidn’t do much of anything.

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if town worked really hard; the demon would be dead

If you no-kill, a Legion will die in the night and you’ll have a proper F3.

In a normal game, if you executed and the game continued on four…

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the fiddler exists solely to prevent the demon from constantly choosing a dead body right?

botc, the game where people execute and stab corpses for fun

this is like leafia’s fifth execution

Theoretically. It could also be used to break other deadlocks, like an immortal Lleech scenario.
Resolve deadlocks as you see fit, though.

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Immortal leech?

Mez turned monk protecting the sailor poisoned by the leech

You start by choosing an alive player: they are poisoned - you die if (& only if) they die.

It works the same as Grandmother. If the Lleech is droisoned when their host dies, they live. The “die” condition has already passed, so the host can’t die again and so the Lleech cannot die if they become sober and healthy.

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