BOTF XXV: Extension Cord Game Over

so like I would think that im not actually mario and im being gaslit

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life hack: the leviathan/mayor jinx, as currently worded, does not require the mayor to be in play or even on script! come back next time for more botc tips

This wording has plagued me over writing many, many jinxes

most jinxes i houserule to be “if both abilities are active”



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I like trolling my marionettes and only telling them when I’m about to die :wowee:

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Kazali marionette!!!

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Makes sense, yeah. I like doing that with Marionettes too.

I didn’t tell my Marionette for literally 5 minutes and I got clowned on

Just dont make the Marionette think it is a Legion game


I’m fully in the clear for that game I told my Marionette in timely manner in that case. I’m talking about a game I played for 5 minutes before it was reracked

Leviathan/Hatter and Leviathan/Pit-Hag both seem basically fine

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I mean tbf

My first experience with Kazali was the Demon making a Marionette, not telling them until the final day, then losing because the Marionette placing the deciding vote against them (they didnt believe the demon)

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they are fine

Mayor is also arguably fine tbh

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it’s unclear from phrasing but does the Mayor rule replace the normal mayor wincon, or add to it? I vaguely feel like it Should replace it (since if you randomly get down to three players alive without losing before day 5, e.g. in a Teensy, you shouldn’t be able to just zero-risk sleep) but I’m not sure whether it’s intended to

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in my defence i had just gotten marionetted in a legion game like once or twice shortly before that iirc


a legion claimed they were claiming nightwatchman and told me to claim i was confirming them…

Didn’t Kiiruma give you the grim though?

it replaces it I believe

granted I also don’t think they expect you to kill down to 3 in a Leviathan game so lmao

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