BOTF XXV: Extension Cord Game Over

VOTE: Magnus

@Playwright @snowe St consult please

am aware VCs are borked, am on mobile so will fix when i get to pc (unless crich does it first)


@Magnus we can whisper if you want

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Welcome to the game.


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(are you gonna make)

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/end @Bionic do you wanna chat

/Break whisper.

Oh boy oh boy I look forward to hearing I’m marionette in one of my neighbour whispers.

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you’ll never believe what I’m about to tell you…

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You’re neighbouring the Recluse. I’m your Demon, I wasn’t sure how to tell you.
Can we whisper?

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sure, if you make the whisper (im lazy)

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/whisper bionic

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/end meeting

there is something fishy going on

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