BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Oh I have one more whisper

You saying you know my role fully?

Whisper me nyanyanynanyaynynaynanynya I don’t wanna be alone


as it stands, i dont think i know anything, nor will you tell me the truth

/whisper @May @Jinxed

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Wait that was a general call if you don’t wanna use your last whisper don’t feel obligated

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May gone thank god

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You may feel as if everyone and everything is against you. You might also lose some friends along the way. This is why you will need to make a significant decision about your point of view. ~ Sun Tzu, the art of war

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Everybody wants to be our enemy.


Given that we have additional (private) mentions of Outsiders, how does everyone else feel about May and Kiiruma? They both read socially good to me, but their abilities are just… unclear to me? The former’s ability to grant vanilla Outsider powers is self-confirmable yet it hasn’t been confirmed yet, and Kiiruma’s is a prisoner’s dilemma. What’s the maximum Outsider count?

oh fwiw someome woulr 100% tell the truth or not dilvuge stuff

they’re lying about gravedigging or hiding a preposterously huge downside
'm assuming the former

It took me a bit to get this joke ngl

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Is there any?
I doubt there is a limit on that stuff.
The questin is, if anyone claimed outsider modification.

if someone chose gf just to confirm does that mean there could be +1 -1 always
or like
does it have to be attached to an ability role
I doubt it’s easy to trace regardless

Not that I’ve heard, unless May’s claim counts. (It doesn’t.)

Upon choosing your characters, the storytellers created new roles using those old ones as sources of inspiration. That’s it.
Modification would be stated in your rolecard.

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oh btw magnus did the you know what ever happen