BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

Wow this is really funny



i feel like if you have to think this much about it it’s probably not a green check

May is certainly an alignment.

Neighbour whispers are free, don’t worry.

you are lying out of your teeth

Jeughors can exchange 15 words

It’s a greencheck because evil May bluffs Dreamcop.

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The simplified text loses some of the intended meaning, but I’m correct.

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Why would Magnus Carlson do this?


Give them the game post by post to train them on the game so they have context ez

thats against the rules xo

hello gamers

im pretty sure it’d run out of uses by then

Nah chatgpt has no idea how to wolf read someone probably would do worse than someone brand new to the game

hello traveler main :nauseated_face:

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Hello target for my negative ability

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ive been bamboozled