How can you say this and the. Play may jong

I got into mahjong by accident

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May Jong is intentional spelling btw, as opposed to my unintentional spelling

Unironically, I played chess when I was like 2-3 for fun

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Cuz it was my 1 source of fun at the time

We were super broke then

And like obviously a ton of people have been playing mahjong all their lives but among the set of people I interact with the numbers are much lower. I’m not going to embarrass myself with lack of mahjong knowledge. The majority of people I know do not already play mahjong. SO MANY of you fuckers are into chess

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I pretend not to know the rules of chess but my dad taught me when I was a little kid so I do know the rules. Of chess. I just know absolutely nothing else

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I think I started chess a year or two ago, I didn’t know what I was doing, and so I watched YouTube videos

athe tbing about me is that I’m a sponge, I absorb eveyrbing quickly so like
after months of watching videos I got prrttt good at chess but I don’t wanna study so I just play vullet lol

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That’s how I was with Cards. if you had a deck of cards you could play like 200 games


I never had a deck of cards until I was like in school

I loved Hearts for Windows becuase it was called Hearts

So we should play Poker some time.

my best friend would bring some and we would have fun at lunch

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Mahjong > Poker

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Every day I think about the time I accidentally got Italy to teach me how to play poker in the cookie thread (I already knew how to play poker)

Oh god you just reminded me of a memory I forgot

Poker > Games I don’t know the rules of.

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Those times were so fun
