At the very least I would critique Brak’s fakeclaim and try to build something that sounds reasonable and useful while simultaneously trying to abide by his own intentions for how to play the game, in such a state.

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I still think Someone is telling a truth about having killed Magnus because they were a prime demon candidate and so I don’t think most players who are demon candidates would have killed them.

May died the same night that Leafia died, which would limit the impact of it.

Well come to think of it, it surely have a soft cushion.

In which case they might kill Brak tonight because he was the other flagbearer. Imagine.

If anything then we wouldn’t want to execute Brak, so as to science this lol

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Or the argument resolution earlier might suggest otherwise. Oh well.

Which once again brings me back to: Execute Derps.

Amelia - No go for today due to my downside
Litten - No go for today because I’ve organised things with them and have no whispers left so can’t pivot
Brak - Might die tonight if left alive by Someone + If Demon, has more teammates dead than Derps’ world.
Derps - Candidate, fine kill.

Killing the half confirmed protective claim today is silly

That’s right, people. Please don’t kill Silviu.


You’re more than half confirmed according to the people who can read you socially silly

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Brakuren (3): SirDerpsAlot, Marluna, Litten
May’s Election (3): May, Magnus, Brakuren
SirDerpsAlot (2): Kiiruma, otterpopd
Kiiruma’s Election (2): Kiiruma, Silviu200530
otterpopd’s election (1): otterpopd
Litten (1): Brakuren
May Election (1): Litten

Not Voting (6): Bionic, Leafia, Atlas, tutuu, Amelia, Someone

VOTE: May’s

VOTE: May’s Election

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VOTE: May’s Election

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The people love me

VOTE: Kiiruma’s Election

The people hate me

VOTE: May’s Election

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The people feel conflicted about me