Wait you don’t get a dead vote? Ayo

Im not gonna bother arguing with you about what abilities are possible

I asked when someone first claimed and they said its possible a townsfolk could exist that swaps alignments

it counts as 0



That’s why I said you guys need to get him above 4-5

So you’re taking Someone’s word for it.
That ability can exist, but only when it helps town more than it hurts.

So in the world where you are telling the truth you’re less of a threat than I thought you’d be against us, nice.

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no I asked hosts and they said its possible to exist

Am I?

It’s possible to exist, of course it is. But not like this.

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It’s clearly still a legion game.


0 votes means you can’t help evil with voting majority so… yeah?

It’s you, me and (insert 1 more player) against the world

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Killing someone is def the wrong move here but wolves have to much thread control for that to matter

I don’t think it’s an arsonist ability, because why would that exist?

Anything can exist.

thats why I think going with the argument oh hosts wouldnt do that is dumb

Leafia l shouldn’t be voting Brakuren because they voted when Brakuren wasn’t nominated

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Let the hosts know so they spare her dead vote.

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