Brak/Magnus/Amelia/Bionic would be my team in that world

I tried building teams for the other people living and that’s where I get stuck
Which might mean I’m right and tutuu is evil

so you are saying, apart from me and magnus, our team hasn’t ever whispered each other lmao

The only problem is iutsider count which is also why I’ve looked at other cases

Amelia hasn’t whisoered anyone, and buonic doesn’t ever whisper

Not to mention, Magnus and I only had 1 solo whisper together. It’s been a three way for the rest

Bionic usually dowsnt*
They did whipser someone

@Atlas im still wondering about #66 tbh

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No one else being around is weird

did they whisper anyone they couldve learnt it from?

@Litten do you know who sda has whispered

Not off the top of my head

I can find whusoer log

magnus stopped doing it after d2

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Derp/Someone 22 mins

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Let me find d2

they whispered someone twice
thats it

They did stop doing it part way through d2

they also whispered me

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and i think… brak once?