so like

On god

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Well I have a suspicion, but im not confident

…i hardly see how thats relevant in a discussion about tying votes

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I get 1 vote, i dont want to waste it

out of the options presented who do you think is most likely the demon


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then so it shall be done

brak has been too finnicky for it and you have a weird demon abil + socials

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I can’t find derps team if he’s the demon
Or perhaps I have and just forgot
I built a lot of teams in my card

I mean its not him, he would have outed as evil if he was

VOTE: SirDerp

Yea now its more obvious ngl

Where the hell did may go

To June


where did everyone go

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Is this how the world ends
Not in a bang, but a whimper

theyre all… catatonic

It’s probably Amelia

…that doesnt meant what i thought it did