So either you’re evil and chose Marionette and have been lying. Or you’re good and I’ve caused misregistation.

Not the most useful thing but is a decent note

Also only just noticed this since I’m on mobile.

But I cause the droison effect to be removed.

My Townsfolk is A Demon

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But autocorrect is a bitch and doesn’t recognise droison as a normal word

i think i can be online at eod to have my finger on the trigger to deadvote if needed

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its 48h btw

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I hope I’m evil my ability litterally does nothing

Your ability also changes every other minute

I hope your good, cuz if you are evil im gonna be :skull:

My actual ability:

Townsfolk ?

Ability: Check a player each night. Lose your ability after checking 2 non-townsfolk

It’s just terrible

Idk what to say

You do realize it wouldn’t just say “check” a player?

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Cuz like wtf are you checking

That doesn’t even sound real.
That’s so weak. F

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Not at all, the moment the ability is disabled, you catch an evil

Cop that has to check 2 evils to get info goes hard

but one doesn’t “check” in isolation

Non-Townsfolk =/= Evil

Dont check outsider claims

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