May knows my role, I told it to them d2 yet they continue to lie about it

Kiiruma saw Brakuren as Marionette yes. But I think Brakuren is a Marionette Demon

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I’m quite literally dead.

You know I’m Leviathan though

We know you’re claiming it.

Maybe here, but not in the other-world!

I have told literally everybody your claimed role. I just think it’s a Marionette bluff

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Check D1 I outed what Demon I picked

Who says I’m not?

It was at the start of it

Gosh I want to be marionette minion, imagine if I can marionette somebody around

why are you punching yourself why are you punching yourself why are you punching yourself

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If what you are saying is true, that means I knew I was marionette 30 seconds into the game

Drunk people can’t affect the game state lol

You fould be lying

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If you picked Marionette for your Demon then yes you would have known “if I’m the Demon I’m a Marionette”

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If Brakuren’s saying the truth then there’s 2 deaths from last night, neither of which is by me

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At this point I think it is better to wait for a night to check if I am poisoned or not.

Also I was in a prisoners dilemma

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Wait, you gave me another idea. Maybe I should be Drunk minion next time mwhwuhuhaeaeywa

At 30 seconds into the game?